速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / Jet Airport Cars

Jet Airport Cars



檔案大小:46.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Jet Airport Cars(圖1)-速報App

Book My Ride: Search and book any pickup or destination around London and major UK airports

My Locations: Keep your frequently used places for faster booking

My Bookings: Quickly book your return journey or cancel your booking

Jet Airport Cars(圖2)-速報App

Track My Ride: Share your vehicle location with your friends and family

Fare Calculation: Calculate your fare quickly and fairly.

Customer Feedback: Instantly give us your feedback to help us improve our service.

Jet Airport Cars(圖3)-速報App

Jet airport cars are the most trusted airport private hire company in and around London. All of our private hire drivers are both professional and well presented. Our goal is to provide full satisfaction to our clients by providing an impeccable and reliable service. We offer a professional private hire service to and from all London airports including Heathrow (terminals 1-2-3-4-5), Gatwick, Luton, Stansted and London City corresponding to your needs – 24 hours per day and 7 days per week.

Thousands of happy customers use Jet Airport Cars every year for our cheap private hire fares and for our knowledge and expertise in airport transfers. This has seen us become one of the most used airport transfer private hire companies in London.

Jet Airport Cars(圖4)-速報App

So, if you need a private hire vehicle to or from any of London’s airports such as - Heathrow, Stansted, Luton, Gatwick or London City Airport, then please book though Jet Airport Cars UK

Jet Airport Cars(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad